7 ways to motivate yourself to practice

Seven ways to motivate yourself to practice to become a better singer:
1) Schedule a performance – this gives you a deadline to work against. It could be doing an open mic, karaoke, singing with a band, a singing audition, or even singing in front of friends/family – set a date and a song/songs to work on, and then start practicing.
2) Form or join a band (or choir) with regular practices – similar to a performance, band practice can give you a deadline and gives you a place to measure where you’re at, especially if you record it.
3) Have someone videotape you singing, such as at karaoke – sometimes hearing how off you sound on tape can motivate you to put in the work to sound better.
4) Find a friend or friends who want to work on a goal, too, and report to each other each week how you’re doing working towards that goal. Hold each other accountable. It’s even better if you’re all working on singing and get a little competitive with who shows the fastest improvement.
5) Think about and try to feel how awesome it would be to sing well, to improve greatly, and/or impress others with your abilities/improvement level.
6) Tell yourself that you can get better (calm any negative voices inside), it’s just a question of putting in the time and effort, then treat it as a discovery process to find out how much it takes by actually doing it.
7) Take voice lessons with an instructor who holds you accountable to practice. When you start putting out money, such as for lessons, it can motivate you to work to make sure that money isn’t going to waste.

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