25+ years experience in music

Who Am I?

Singing a range of styles, with a passion for hard rock

Sean Sweeney, Voice instructor

My Mission

To help people learn how to use their voices more efficiently and effectively, especially to experience the joys of singing.

Private lessons offer the fastest road to improvement, and my experience will help keep you on the fastest track!


What Voice Lessons Can Do For You!

Lessons via Skype or Zoom can help you:

  • sing up high with power
  • bridge chest to head voice
  • learn vibrato, riffs and runs
  • develop healthy distortion/screaming
  • project while speaking
  • learn a song to sing at your wedding
  • build confidence to sing karaoke in public
  • up your karaoke game to “hero” level
  • find your own unique voice
  • and more!

Core Values that Drive My Lessons

  • Spreading the joy of singing
  • Being respectful, encouraging and helpful
  • Connecting with people
  • Always learning
  • Having fun!

In Your First Lesson, We'll:

  • assess your current singing abilities
  • go over your singing goals
  • start you on tailored singing “workout” routines to most efficiently achieve your goals
  • provide you with mp3’s to practice along with
  • point you to resources (apps, courses, videos) that can aid your progress

Examples of my singing

Singing “Bodies” by Drowning Pool:

Singing hard rock to a cat video:

For Whom the Cat Meows by C&M (Cats & Metallica)

An acoustic original song:

To Live